Welcome to Sea Bright!

Welcome to Sea Bright!
Public Works
» Stormwater Management

Stormwater Management
» Ord. No. 05-2024 Tree Preservation and Replacement Regulations
» Ord. No. 04-2024 Salt Storage Regulations. 04-2024 Salt Storage
» Revised Stormwater Control Ordinance Adopted 7-16-2024 (pdf)
» 2023 SB Stormwater Outfall Map - North (pdf)
» 2023 SB Stormwater Outfall Map - South (pdf)
» Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, June 30, 2023 (pdf)
» Stormwater Management Plan, rev 08-17-2007 (pdf)
» Stormwater Control Ordinance Link
» Connections to Storm Sewer Ordinance
» Disposal of Waste into Storm Sewer System Ordinance
» Littering in General Ordinance
» Pet Solid Waste Ordinance
» Retrofitting of Private Storm Drain Inlets Ordinance
» Feeding of Wildlife Ordinance
» Collection and Disposal of Yard Waste Ordinance
» Clean Water NJ Link
» NJ Stormwater Link