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1 KNITTING CLUB 2 to 4 pm, Beach Pavilion, 1197 Ocean Avenue, 3rd floor Community Room |
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6 6:00 P.M.Please join us for the Borough of Sea Bright's HOLIDAY TREE LIGHTING. Enjoy music, hot chocolate, desserts, and a visit from SANTA AND MRS. CLAUS! 1099 Ocean Avenue |
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10 The Unified Planning-Zoning Board Meeting scheduled for this evening has been canceled due to lack of an agenda. |
11 8:30 A.M. Council Workshop Meeting |
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15 KNITTING CLUB 2 to 4 pm, Beach Pavilion, 1197 Ocean Avenue, 3rd floor Community Room |
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17 7:00 P.M. Regular Council Meeting |
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24 CHRISTMAS EVE - Municipal offices close at noon today. |
25 CHRISTMAS DAY - Municipal offices and Sea Bright Library and Cultural Arts Center are closed today. |
26 Municipal offices and Sea Bright Library and Cultural Arts Center are closed today. PLEASE JOIN US FOR A HANUKKAH MENORA LIGHTING CEREMONY Thursday, December 26, 2024, 4:30 p.m., Borough of Sea Bright Municipal Complex, Presented by Chabad of the Shore |
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29 KNITTING CLUB 2 to 4 pm, Beach Pavilion, 1197 Ocean Avenue, 3rd floor Community Room |
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31 NEW YEAR'S EVE - Municipal offices close at noon today. |